Dream Shala

About Dream Shala

Jason Taylor is a musician originally from Toronto. His project Dream Shala focusses mainly on ambient music. He has played live electronic sets (no computer) for yoga classes in Mexico. Taylor got his first taste of electronic music at the Ontario College of Art in Toronto in the early 90s. “I started out playing guitar and jamming with friends but when I got to art school I was introduced to a crazy side of music I had never heard before! Artists like Jon Hassell, John Cage, Brian Eno, Harold Budd and Phillip Glass, this stuff was mind blowing. And for the most part they didn’t have access to samplers and computers like we do today.” A couple of my art school buddies and I put on a show and my “instrument” was a CB radio, like a trucker’s radio, played through a sampler delay pedal. I would tweak the sideband clarifier on the CB and get these awesome squelchy vocal sounds and then sample them and tweak the feedback and delay time knobs.” While in art school Taylor spent a good chunk of his student loans on a used Casio FZ1 sampler, a Roland TX81Z and an Atari 1040ST for sequencing. Taylor recalls; “The samplers back then were so limited! I think my FZ1 had like 1MB of memory in it, and that was a lot! You had to load and save everything to floppy disks”.

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Jason Taylor - Dream Shala

Latest from Dream Shala

Octatrack Ambient Live Looping

Octatrack Ambient Live Looping

This is a minimal ambient track using the Octatrack as a live looper.
Track 1 is a Thru track for the Digitakt (drums) so it doesn’t get looped. The Digitone and JP08 go through a Mackie mixer and get looped on Pickup machines on tracks 2, 3 and 4. The digitone covers the pad sound, and whale sound. I use the JP08 at the end just for some clicky filtered sounds towards the end.

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New Release – Micro Compressions

New Release – Micro Compressions

Micro Compressions - Dream Shala. November 2021 Released in November 2021 Micro Compressions is a 5-song EP in the Ambient music genre. It attempts to create sonic landscapes using a very minimal approach. Using mostly found sounds this EP creates organic, dreamy...

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Yamaha PSS-270 Sample Pack

Yamaha PSS-270 Sample Pack

I just finished creating a sample pack of the Yamaha PSS-270 synth. This toy synth was released in 1986 and is based on the Yamaha YM2413 chip which is a 2-operator FM synth chip. This toy synth is a preset synth containing 100 presets. This sample pack is great if...

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Dream Shala Music

Micro Compressions – 2021

Tripticó – 2021

Epica Flasa – 2019

Music for Yoga – 2018

Dream Shala YouTube Videos

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